First held in 2001, the Forum is an
annual gathering in Boao. It is the
first international organization ba
-sed in China. Chinese leaders in
-cluding Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji£¬
Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin and Zeng
Qinghong attended the Inaugural
Ceremony.......                 more >>
It was founded by Hainan Province
, Jeju Province of the Republic of
Korea, Okinawa Prefecture of Jap
-an and Bali Province of the Repu
-blic of Indonesia in July 1997. De
-signed as a mechanism for touris
-m cooperation through top official
communication.......          more >>
Before Hainan became a province, agriculture was the main industry.
After becoming a province, the economic structure gradually evolved
toward a healthy balance between primary, secondary and tertiary
sectors. In 2007, its GDP was RMB 123 billion, an impressive 11.6%
increase upon the previous year, averages RMB 11,000 per capita;
the financial income was about RMB 15.24 billion; the trade volume
was up to $7.36 billion. The actual utilization of foreign capital
reached $1.13 billion.
As the only tropical province in China,
Hainan is blessed with charming tropical
island landscape and a pleasant climate,
contributing to its unique folklore and
culture. It is known as a Chinese
all-season garden and a holiday resort
for all Chinese. .......                  more >>

As the largest natural greenhouse of
China, Hainan is an important production
base for winter vegetables and fruits.
Together with the booming of cash
crops, including rubber, coconuts, round
pepper, coffee, it has given shape to a
unique .......                              more >>

Currently, newly established industries
such as automotive, pharmaceutical,
petrochemical, natural gas, and
beverage are growing rapidly. Some of
the key projects, including the Fudao
Chemical Fertilizer Second Phase, a
10-billion-Yuan.......                  more >>

Infrastructure investment since the
establishment of Hainan as a province
totals over £€245 billion. A round-the-
island expressway network has made
transportation efficient and reliable, l
inking the northern and southern parts.
Two international.......               more >>

Hainan is one of the most famous homelands of overseas Chinese.
About 3 million Hainanese live overseas, many of them in Hong
Kong and Macao. Hainan is also the home of over 1 million Chinese
who returned from abroad. For decades, these people have contrib
-uted to the development of all walks.......                              more >>
Hainan has established sister-city relationships with 32provinces
and cities. Sister-entities at the provincial level are as follows: Hyogo
Prefecture in Japan, State of Hawaii in the USA, Jeju Province in
South Korea, Crimea Republic in the Ukraine, Cebu Province in
the Philippines, Arad County in Romania.......                         more >>
Approved on 24 March 2003, the central government has initiated
the process for opening the third, fourth and fifth air traffic rights in
Hainan. This is a new step for Chinese reform and opening policy,
as well as a valuable opportunity for Hainan's opening to the world
and international cooperation. .......                                       more >>
Such policy is practiced in Hainan.
¡ñWaiver of Visa. Regular passport bearers from 21 countries such
as Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, and so on
can stay in Hainan for 15 days with waiver of visa if they arrive with
tourist groups of 5 or more. .......                                          more >>
¡ñSince Hainan became a province, investment in foreign capital is
worth US$10 billion.
¡ñFurther expansion of sectors using foreign capital. All sectors and
fields are open to foreign investment, except those specifically excl
-uded by the state. .......                                                       more >>
Hainan became a province in
1988. Located in the southern
tip of China, it covers 35,300
sq. km of land and has over 2
million sq. km of ocean within
its jurisdiction. It is known as a
bright pearl embedded in the
vast South.......          more >>
Being a tropical island, Hainan enjoys the tropical monsoon climate that contributes tosprin
glike warm winter and pleasant summer. The annual temperat
-ure is 23.8 degree Celsius. Rates of coronary heart disea
-se, ........                   more >>
Hainan's plentiful sunshine
boasts a remarkably diverse
ground for animals and plant
life. It is home to 4,680 species
of vegetation. More than 600
wild plants grow only in Hainan,
over 50 of which are classified
as state.......               more >>
Hainan's air quality is the best
in China. According to data
gathtered by some world envir
-onmental protection organiza
-tions, both Haikou and Sanya
are listed among the top 10
cities in the world for best air
Blessed with evergreen moun
-tains and clear water, Hainan
has some of the best surface
and offshore water quality in
In 1998, Hainan took the lead
in proposing a strategy to build
a Province of Sound Ecology.
Presently, the forest coverage
represents 56.7% of the islan
-d's superficy, and consists of
five tropical primitive forests
which are... ...            more >>
Hainan boasts a first-class ec
-ological environment. Reside
-nts are able to enjoy clear se
-awater, sparkling white beac
-hes and pure air. By building
ecologically friendly villages,
Hainan has created markedly
improved.......            more >>